
Regional Meetup Groups

Southern Tier:


This group is made up of members from Orange County, southern Dutchess County, and southern Ulster County.


We are going to be focusing, heavily, on Voter Services and educating groups about the upcoming ballot initiative for the New York State Constitutional Amendment for Equal Rights for All! Our next meeting will be at the Silk Factory in Newburgh, on July 19th at noon. Everyone is welcome to attend!


Dutchess County


The next regular meeting will be on July 12th, at noon, at Mahoney’s in Poughkeepsie. Mahoney’s is accommodating us with a private room! Let us know if you can join us – faycasatuta@gmail.com


Don’t forget to check out the most recent report about the Dutchess County Legislative Meeting. Our League Observer, Jane Simpkin Smith, noted some interesting discussions with the public on solid waste issues and homelessness.


These reports can be found, soon, on our NEW Website – https://lwvmidhudson.org/

Round badge with a red top section labeled "league of women voters" and a white bottom section marked "league observer." it features the "lwv" logo and three gold stars.