Take Action

Empowering Voters.
Defending Democracy.

Serving the people of Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster Counties and the communities of the Mid-Hudson Region.

Mission and Vision


The League of Women Voters encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.


The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political membership organization which:

  • acts after study and member agreement to achieve solutions in the public interest on key community issues at all government levels.
  • builds citizen participation in the democratic process.
  • engages communities in promoting positive solutions to public policy issues through education and advocacy.



The League of Women Voters believes in:

  • respect for individuals.
  • the value of diversity.
  • the empowerment of the grassroots, both within the League and in communities.

100 Years

and Counting . . .

About Us

The League of Women Voters is a peoples’ organization that has fought since 1920 to improve our government and engage all Americans in the decisions that impact their lives. We operate at national, state and local levels through more than 800 state and local Leagues, in all 50 states as well in DC, the Virgin Islands and Hong Kong. We never endorse or oppose political parties or candidates, but we are political.

Formed from the movement that secured the right to vote for women, the centerpiece of the League’s efforts remain to expand participation and give a voice to all Americans. We do this at all three levels of government, engaging in both broad educational efforts as well as advocacy. Our issues are grounded in our respected history of making democracy work for all Americans.


The Mid-Hudson chapter of the League of Women Voters serves Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster counties. We host and assist with voter registration drives, we provide information on voting to our new citizens at naturalization ceremonies, we moderate debates and candidate forums, we attend and observe legislative meetings, and we host information sessions on issues of relevance to the voting public. We are an active and lively group of civic-minded men and women.

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Join Us Now!

Membership in the League of Women Voters, the most respected and effective grassroots organization in the country, is open to men and women of all ages. Our members make a visible difference by serving as community leaders using their experience to create positive, lasting change in our communities. Whether you aspire to leadership or are keen to follow the lead of experienced members, the League will excite, use, and nurture your civic curiosity, ideals, or desire for action. Joining the local chapter automatically makes you a member of the state and national Leagues.

Take Action

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Upcoming Events


Current News

Illustration of diverse hands raised above the text: "Striving to create a stronger, more inclusive democracy.

How You Can Volunteer for Voting Rights

It’s up to us to ensure every citizen in Dutchess, Orange and Ulster counties has the information and ability to cast their vote. Here are some ways we, as a League, can empower voters and defend democracy through our advocacy

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A group of five older women seated around a table in a café, enjoying food and drinks, with notebooks and pamphlets visible on the table. Other patrons are in the background.

Meet Your State Legislators

Every winter and spring, when our state legislators are at work at the Capitol, we plan visits with them (here in their home offices usually) to encourage them to support legislation we deem important and which we think has a chance of passing. We

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Four diverse women standing side by side, facing right. Each woman rests her right hand on the shoulder of the person in front. Neutral expressions on a beige background.

New Membership Portal Coming

On February 1, the League of Women Voters will launch a new internet-based system to be used for joining or renewing your membership. This new system will make it easier to manage your membership information, allow our local chapter to

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