LWV Services

Debate Moderating

The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan organization that promotes participation of citizens in government. We do not support any political party or candidate.support of our election process, the League facilitates candidate and position debates. Any organization with an interest in promoting citizen participation, strengthening democracy, putting candidates’ views on the record, and providing voter information in a non-partisan manner is invited to be a sponsor.

Voter Registration

Voter registration drives are a hallmark of the League of Women Voters and can be traced back to our origins in 1920 with the passage of the 19th Amendment when the women won the right to vote. In order to take advantage of this right, women needed information about elections and what they had to do before they could cast their vote. The League was ready to register newly enfranchised voters and explain the election process. The importance of registering and educating qualified voters continues today. In the Hudson Valley, theh League is actively involved in voter registration events. We host and assist at voter registration drives at schools, libraries, and other public events. We visit local jails to help register voters. We regularly attend naturalization ceremonies in all three counties that we serve and provide information on voting to our new citizens