A smiling woman with short gray hair and glasses wearing a black top with a keyhole neckline.

The Prez Says

The Annual Meeting on June 20th gave us a lot of happy memories and much to think about. The Redeemer Lutheran Church was welcoming and we were blessed with lively and interesting music from Pat Lamanna (with help from Richard Mattocks) and a moving narrative and poem from Kate Hymes about her mother’s experiences voting in Louisiana years ago.

The women’s suffrage struggle that Pat sang about and the challenges that Kate’s mother faced brought right to mind the challenges of this year’s election and the continuing attempts by some to prevent others from voting. We can’t help but feel anxious about November 5th and the days beyond.


Keeping partisan thoughts aside isn’t easy as we register voters, provide voter information, moderate candidate events and are otherwise deeply engaged in the whole process. But we know that staying above the fray is what makes us essential. And as I said in my welcome message on the 20th, I am impressed by how well we are rising to that challenge even in this year when both our democracy and the planet are at stake.


The League has been nonpartisan since its founding 104 years ago, but it’s never been harder.


Printed information from the Annual Meeting will be posted on the website, soon. Included will be the slate of nominees which also shows who on the past board is continuing.


Dues were collected for the new year that begins on July 1st, and if you haven’t sent yours, please do so as soon as possible. The budget for 2024-25 that was mailed to all members in late May was adopted, and it will be posted on the website in early July along with final figures for the 2023-24 year that is now ending.


I end with thanks to all who helped make the Annual Meeting such a happy event, whether you brought food and drink, hauled tables and chairs, or otherwise served – like the heroic Mr. Sandor who secretly listened to the meeting from the kitchen and washed up all the dishes! Special thanks, of course. to all who serve all year. Buckle up!


Dare darethompson@gmail.com, 845-236-3074 (home)