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Observer Corps

Jane Simkin Smith wrote an article about the Dutchess County Legislative Meeting she observed from December 9th. She noted –


“The main business of this session was the approval of the 2025 budget. Five amendments to the budget prepared County Executive Sue Serino were offered by both Republican and Democratic legislators, and each amendment was approved unanimously. Members from both parties expressed appreciation to both Ms. Serino (who was present) for her open-minded and collaborative approach to the budget development process, as well as to the Budget Office, the Budget and Finance committee, and commissioners of the various executive agencies for their, help, responsiveness and transparency.Democratic legislators pointed out that the level of collaboration and cooperation was unlike prior years under prior administrations when they had had no voice.”


The rest of her article can be found under our “Observer Corps” section of our League of Women Voters of the Mid-Hudson Region Website.

If you have an interest in getting more involved in our Observer Corps we would love to discuss it with you. Send an email to and we’ll get back to you!