A group of five older women seated around a table in a café, enjoying food and drinks, with notebooks and pamphlets visible on the table. Other patrons are in the background.

Meet Your State Legislators

Every winter and spring, when our state legislators are at work at the Capitol, we plan visits with them (here in their home offices usually) to encourage them to support legislation we deem important and which we think has a chance of passing. We are provided with very good information, some of which we can print out and share directly with legislators before and during our visits, which helps a lot. Usually in these visits at least one of us League members is experienced both with visiting and with the issues we’re talking about, so the visit will be managed well and you don’t have to be an expert yourself.  


Ideally we visit all those who represent us at least once in February or March to talk about budget-related issues. If possible we go back a second time in April and May – after the state budget has been adopted – to talk about a set of issues that are not budget-related.

We welcome you at one or both visits to your Assembly member and senator.  Let Dare know of your interest at darethompson@gmail.com and she can tell you when our visits are happening. We are in the process of scheduling them now.


Not sure who your reps are? We have a list of the legislators on our website (lwvmidhudson.org) under Election and Voting or you can use the list below. If you’re still not sure, type the legislator’s name and district number plus the word MAP, and you can see whether you are in that legislator’s district. Your board of elections (also listed there under Election and Voting) can also help you.


If you are in Dutchess, you are represented by one of these Assembly people:  Shrethsa for District 103,  Jacobson for District 104, Beephan for District 105, and Did Barrett for District 106 and by Senator Hinchey for District 41 or Senator Rolison for District 39.


In Ulster, you are represented by one of these Assembly people: Maher for District 101, Tague for NW Ulster and beyond (District 102), Shrethsa for District 103, Jacobson for District 104 and by Senator Hinchey for District 41.


In Orange, you are represented by one of these Assembly people: Maher for District 101, Brabenec for District 98, or Eachus for District 99 and by Senator Skoufis for District 42 or by Senator Rolison for District 39.


Visiting your representatives gives you insights into your government that you can get no other way. Try it! We welcome your company.