Badge with "League of Women Voters" at the top, "League Observer" in the center, with three stars below, and "LWV" at the bottom.

Observer Corps

Jane Simkin Smith wrote an article about the Dutchess County Legislative Meeting she observed from November 13th. She noted –


“At the end of the meeting, a member of Healthy Minds for Children once again addressed the Legislature concerning the shortage of resources devoted to addressing the mental health of the County’s youth.  She pointed to the increase in depression, anxiety, and attempted suicide among children and youth, and she noted a lack of beds for “kids in crisis,” only an outpatient facility.  She also noted that funds are available from the state and suggested a steering committee be formed to find ways to meet the enormous need.”


The rest of her article can be found under our “Observer Corps” section of our League of Women Voters of the Mid-Hudson Region Website.


If you have an interest in getting more involved in our Observer Corps we would love to discuss it with you. Send an email to and we’ll get back to you!