This was a relatively short session. No members of the public spoke on agenda items and there were no committee reports. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Twenty-two resolutions on the consent agenda (## 171-182; 184; 187-195) were also unanimously approved. These included the receipt of a tentative budget and setting it for a public hearing; establishing a standard workday for elected and appointed officials effective January 2024; approving capital projects at Dutchess Community College; levies of delinquent taxes; accepting NYS Law Enforcement grant funds, and various amendments to prior resolutions and to the adopted county budget relating to the Department of Community Services, a Youth Wellness Micro Grant program, the Dutchess County Sheriff, the Department of Public Works, a county road improvement project in Rhinebeck, and the Hudson Valley Regional Airport; authorizing the payments of vouchers; confirming appointment of the Commissioner of the Office of Central and Information Services, and a reappointment to the Veterans Affairs Committee; authorizing fee acquisitions and condemnation proceedings relating to an intersection/ improvement project in the Town of Wappingers; authorizing a successor land lease with the USA for the air traffic control tower at the Hudson Valley Regional Airport; and setting the mortgage Tax Apportionment Period from April 1 – September 30, 2024.
One non-consent Resolution – amending the adopted 2024 budget to authorize use of a fund balance as it pertains to the County District Attorney — was also unanimously approved. In connection with this resolution, Legislator Atkins thanked the DA’s office for answering many questions and providing transparency. Legislator Kaul commended the DA for creating a “transparency portal with … a real time crime center,” which, she suggested, “will ensure that we build trust between the police and the community.” Legislator Drago also commended the DA for identifying opportunities for increased efficiency and driving better effectiveness.
Legislator Atkins reiterated a request for updates relating to the controversial shelter at 26 Oakley Street in the City of Poughkeepsie.
At the end of the meeting, a member of Healthy Minds for Children once again addressed the Legislature concerning the shortage of resources devoted to addressing the mental health of the County’s youth. She pointed to the increase in depression, anxiety, and attempted suicide among children and youth, and she noted a lack of beds for “kids in crisis,” only an outpatient facility. She also noted that funds are available from the state and suggested a steering committee be formed to find ways to meet the enormous need.
The meeting closed with honoring the memory of Ernest Arico, a 30-year veteran of the County Sheriff’s Office, and Francis Kino Howley, a senior attorney in the DA’s Office.