Three women stand behind a table with a "League of Women Voters" tablecloth and promotional materials in a room with a clock and bulletin board.

Dutchess County Naturalization Ceremony

by Pat Lamanna


Pat Lamanna, Fay Casatuta, and Jane Simkin Smith attended the Dutchess County naturalization ceremony on August 9 at Millbrook High School. We gave out registration forms and voting information to about 45 new citizens, and got 10 registration forms back, which Pat hand delivered to the Board of Elections.


This naturalization ceremony was a little different. As the time to begin the ceremony approached, Dutchess County Clerk Brad Kendall (who attends the same church as Pat) approached the table and asked Pat if she’d like to sing the Star-Spangled Banner and America the Beautiful. The person who’d been scheduled to sing had backed out, and Brad wasn’t able to find a replacement. So Pat led the singing of those two songs, in addition to her LWV duties!


Pictured are the three of us at the table, and of Pat singing, with Brad Kendall standing beside her.

Two people stand on a stage next to a podium and flag. An older man in a suit is on the left, and an elderly woman holding a microphone is on the right. An audience is visible in the foreground.