Since all of us care about the health of our elections as well as how the voting actually turns out in November, this will be an emotionally charged few weeks ahead.
Let’s do all we can to help our fellow voters and potential voters through these critical weeks including our Boards of Elections and all the polling places that will be opening up in late October.
This newsletter gives you many ways to help out in a hands-on way starting now and kicking off in a big way on September 17th, National Voter Registration Day.
Early voting begins on October 26th (which is also the last day to register to vote) and continues through Sunday, November 3.
I think we are all aware that Election Day finally arrives on Tuesday, November 5th.
Here are the websites of our three county boards of elections for your own use and so you can help others get the information they need:
Dutchess: or 845-486-2473
Orange: or 845-360-6500 Ulster: or 845-334-5470
The people there are, usually, our good and faithful partners but if you have any problems getting what you need from them, let us know!
Meanwhile we hope you also take some time to relax with others. We highly recommend the play “What the Constitution Means to Me” being presented in Dutchess and Ulster counties this September. See details elsewhere in this newsletter.
We also hope you will join us at the lovelyWhitecliff Winery in Gardiner on Sunday, September 15th, 4-6pm, for our own official kick-off to this busy time. We are hoping for a beautiful day and a happy opportunity to meet and greet one another – especially our many new members!
Thanks for all YOU are doing to keep our democracy vibrant. Onward! Dare Thompson, President
LWVMHR, 845-236-3074 (home)