Two women smiling behind an informational booth with a sign reading "register to vote" and various pamphlets, inside a building.

Be More Effective in GOTV

From Laura Ladd Bierman Executive Director,

League of Women Voters of NYS


We have finally scheduled training on using VAN data for GOTV efforts.

This training is for anyone working on GOTV and voter service activities during this election season.


NYCET Training

Tuesday, April 30, 6:00 pm REGISTER HERE

The State League has initiated a partnership with the NY Civic Engagement Table (NYCET). With this partnership, the state and local Leagues will join other organizations in working toward a stronger and more inclusive democracy. We will also all have access to new tools and tactics to educate and engage voters more in elections and strengthen our get-out-the-vote (GOTV) efforts.


With this partnership, we will have access to data through VAN (Voter Activation Network) providing us with contacts and information from the voting rolls.

Leagues will be able to determine the areas with low voter turnout and focus activities and efforts on those populations to increase participation.


For more info on NYCET, go to their website at: